Training Modules on High Fluoride Detection

Fluoride Awareness Campaign (FAC) in Madhya Pradesh is an initiative of the Center for Sustainable Development at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, with the goal to apply research from Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory scientists to educational content that builds awareness and action-taking by communities and school members along with local partnerships.

Partner Institutions

  • Alirajpur District Government led by Public Health Engineering Department (PHED)
  • Columbia University: Center for Sustainable Development and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of the Earth Institute
  • India Natural Resource Economics and Management (INREM) Foundation
  • Pratham Education Initiative

If you want to learn about fluoride. You can start here:

Review the "Safe Water Learning" developed by INREM.

It provides a basic overview of the topic. Here are some additional instructions. 

Here is the survey manual that can help to guide the process involved. 

Here is the protocol on phone-based data collection:  

Here is the process of explaining the results:

Results can also be explained using street theater and plays:

Here are some additional helpful videos:

Women in science:

For additional details, contact: Radhika Iyengar at [email protected]