Our Team
Our core team is based out of the Education team of the Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) here at the Earth Institute, Columbia University. Our work in education for sustainable development (ESD) spans from basic literacy to vocational training, teacher training, job readiness, life skills and psycho-social wellbeing and social-emotional learning. We see these areas through a broader sustainability lens and we believe education in the current era calls for the merging of education, environment, knowledge and activism.
Our technical advisers on the science front includes earth scientists from Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of the Earth Institute and various industry experts, professionals, educators, parents and youth, in and beyond our Eco Ambassador Program network. We look forward to expanding our team!
Tara is passionate about education for sustainable development in her projects in various forms, including in the arts, design, crafts that have implications for sustainability.
Radhika spearheads education for sustainable development in her role as Director of Education and as an engaged community member, educator, mother and mentor.
Haein designs, curates and creates content for education for sustainable development as a means to facilitate conversations and trainings for sustainability practices.